Vice Chancellor’s Message


It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to SBB Dewan University, Which is an epitome of our commitment to promote higher education in Pakistan and to serve the country by producing human capital of the highest professional quality.
I believe that lack of high quality human capital is the principal constraint in the growth of our international market competitiveness. As we are all painfully aware Pakistan has for several years been losing ground in the global economy.
Dewan University’s academic and research programs and administrative and academic procedures are developed strictly in accordance with HEC regulations. We are beginning a thousand miles journey with the first few small steps. As we look back over the years, we can say that we had started in the right direction. Our quality assurance procedures have been designed to ensure that our students attain high professional standards and are capable to effectively serve the market needs. We are also conscious of the need to offer affordable programs for the under privileged segments of society. Thus , with the support of Dewan Trust we have been able to offer one of the most generous scholarship and assistantship programs in Pakistan’s higher education sector. Students who meet our merit-based admission criteria are not denied admission to any of our programs for financial constraints.
Welcome to SBB Dewan University and I wish you all success.