Chancellor’s Message


Welcome to Dewan University: You are joining us at the beginning of an exciting new venture concerned to re-orient higher education in Pakistan.
In recent years higher education institutions have proliferated in many of our cities but despite this Pakistan’s international competitiveness has not improved as we learn from one international survey after another.
A major cause of this, I believe, is the lack of synergy between the education system and the real world of business and finance in Pakistan.
SBB Dewan University has been established with the explicit purpose of bridging the gap between the academic and the business sector. SBB Dewan University is not an ivory tower. We will seek to develop curricula which integrate theory and practice in all the faculties – medicine, management, engineering, informatics and the social sciences.
The Dewan Group is committed to provide opportunities for Dewan University students through incubation projects and through participation in the work of the companies within the Group for applying the knowledge they continuously acquire in their degree programs. You will actually participate in real world problem solving during your courses.
Dewan University’s vision is to contribute effectively to the emergence of Pakistan as a major economic power of the twenty first century.
The key question that Dewan University addresses is; Are we producing the type of professional expertise the Pakistan economy needs as it expands in both national and global markets? In order to answer this question positively innovation in the field of academic program design is extremely important. It is not sufficient to replicate global best practices. It is equally necessary to craft policies and strategies which reflect the practical needs of Pakistan’s business and our economy as a whole.
I welcome you to Dewan University and look forward to your creative participation in this innovative venture.